
time slot是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

time slot

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1.时隙 Info 信息 Time slot 时间空档 2.毕业要求 Diploma 文凭 ...

4.时间槽 Christmas spirit ||圣诞气氛 time slot 时间间隙 time spirit 时代精神 ...

6.时间带 时机感 Sense of Timing 时间档次 Time Slot 时序分析 Time-Series analysis ...

8.时段 代码 Code 时段 Time Slot 演讲单位 Speaker ...


1.Every time slot had at least two and often three or four presentations I wanted to see.日程中的每个时间段都会同时至少有两个,并且通常是三或四个我想要了解的演讲。

2.Instead, a token is assigned to a mediation flow for a time slot that represents the theoretical execution time of the target Web service.在这里,令牌在某一时间段被分配给仲裁流,而该时间段表示目标Web服务的理论执行时间。

3.Due to the constraint that only one tag can be identified at a time slot in the system, many relevant researches have been proposed.此技术受限于只能在同一时间内辨识出一个标签,因此许多相关研究被提出。

4.Then, at least two of the P received partial data are copied on a time slot so as to obtain at least two copied partial data.接着,于时域上复制P个已接收部分数据的至少其二,得到至少二复制部分数据。

5.Just as you would write in a paper-based organizer, you can click on any time slot in the Outlook Calendar and begin typing.就像在纸上安排一样,您可以单击Outlook“日历”中的任何时间段并开始键入。

6.Nor do I reassure myself that she's being quite unfair, extrapolating on the basis of only a couple of weeks of this new time slot.我也不安慰自己,说她很不公平,只根据这短短的几个星期的新的时间空档就做出推断。

7.Change or cancellation of appointment can only be accepted at least one working day before the chosen time slot.更改或取消预约时间必须在所选择的换证时段前不少于一个工作天提出。

8."I chose to see a chief doctor last time. And I had to queue up very early in the morning to book his time slot. " Said Beijing resident.北京居民称:“上次我选择看主任医师。为了约到他的时间,我早上得很早来排队。”

9.When two or more balls happen to fall into the same box, it means a collision would occur when the corresponding time slot arrives.当有多个球恰巧落入同一个盒子中时,表明相应时刻会有碰撞发生。

10.If you're waiting on someone else - put this task in to a later time slot of the very same day, and get started immediately on the next MIT.如果你在服侍别人-把这件事放到当天晚一点的时间段,然后马上开始下一个最要务。